Photographs by Eadweard Muybridge using multiple cameras to capture motion

muybridge photo

I’ve always been fascinated by Eadweard Muybridge‘s photography and his ability to set up multiple cameras that captured the motion of athletes and animals prior to celluloid film. He was definitely a visionary.

I ran the NYC marathon a few years ago and have been running with my running buddy/ best friend of 17 years (who will be running it this coming weekend) to warm her up for the big race.

We ran all the half marathons in the 5 boroughs this year. Well, almost. I ran 4 and she gave me a pass on my birthday so I didn’t run the Staten Island race. Next year perhaps. Sunday should be a great day.

I’m going to run mile 18-21 with her (if I can keep up). That’s a rough spot if I recall. But she’s a total champion. Go Jolie!

1/2 marathons 4 boroughs