Polyvore: A user friendly fashion DIY site. Make your dream outfit. Plus wacky post office story.

I was perusing Jeana Sohn’s blog the other day when I saw her post on Polyvore. My curiosity was struck. Within two minutes I was signed up and creating the fancy outfit above. I plan to use this to create my next limited palette outfit for Maquette. So far I’ve done blue, brown, yellow, and red.

If you have not had the chance to fall in love with Jeana Sohn’s artwork, now’s your chance.

* News: Due to all the work getting our new apartment together I was delayed in getting the glicee prints people have ordered out to them. When I went to the post office last Thursday they did not have any stiff photo mailers left so I had to buy soft envelops. The postal lady gave me a huge serated bread knife to cut apart larger cardboard mailers to put into the envelopes to protect the prints. It was sort of crazy if you think about it, a postal worker giving a customer a huge knife in the middle of a post office. Anyway, the prints I owed people are finally in the mail…fheww.

Tomorrow is “Table Tuesday”. I’m going to post all the photos of the finished tables I’ve been stripping, sanding, urethaning, painting, & oiling. They look good so tune in!

Oh and this is what I would wear to the oscars and my wedding if I could do it all again!
Spring 08 Runway 011_1