- One of a kind Mammal Mag Tee by Tom Forget (a take on PUSHEAD‘S t-shirts for Metallica in the 80’s). Another post on Tom and Mammal.
- Mouth to mouth via Rumplo by Sahadeva (a far more awesome version of the 80’s Rolling Stone’s kisser). Another post on Tee’s from Rumplo.
- Vamp via Poketo by Pietari Posti (love the rad colors, akin to this). More on Poketo: 1, 2.
On another note, I’ve been churning out patterns like Apple churns out i products. Now I just have to figure out how to market them. Ugh, my least favorite aspect of art making. My lovely blogger friends are too supportive. Now I have to try to follow their advice and make a go of licensing the stuff. Anyway, check out my site. I’ve added like 10 new patterns since I launched last week.
Here are some new ones that I just added to my site:
Built-in Bookshelves, Bicycles, Charmed, Roses, Woodgrain, & Honeycomb & Bees.