Camouflage painters: Using the world as a backdrop. Thanks Happy Cavalier, and DFM. Plus, news about Poketo, they’re going to Glasgow.

Desiree Palmen
more Camouflage work

A while ago I posted about Laurent La Gamba’s camouflage paintings. Rag and Bone blog recently did a post on Desiree Palmen who does work within that concept as well. Both artist’s meticulous attention to detail astounds me. Read Rag and Bone’s full post. I wonder if anyone else in the world has the passion, skill, and ability to pull off such work?

Laurent La Gamba
Camouflage art: Laurent La Gamba by way of It's Nice That

Big Grazie!!!

Thanks so much for posting about my patterns Karen of Happy Cavalier, I love your blog and have found so many gems on it since I started reading it. And of course to the wonderful and endlessly supportive Erin over at Design For Mankind for posting some of my pattern applications and soliciting feedback from her readers so that I can figure out how to go about marketing these patterns. I’m working on a new one right now in a chartreuse and plum palette. Yum.

Poketo, one of the coolest sites around just wrote to tell me that they’re off to the Glasgow International Art Festival. Check this link out for the info on the art wallets and artists they’ll feature.