Marika Hahn’s (my mom) Licensing and patterns!!! I’m an apple from her tree.

Marikahahn patterns

Today my post is about someone special…my mom! She was a freelance illustrator my whole childhood doing jobs for Vogue, Glamour, Good Housekeeping, and many books (her fashion style is my fav). Growing up in an artistic household I was bound to follow in her footsteps and pursue illustration. It was all those art projects we did together and the fact that I had a drawing table since day 1. Pretty cool.

She and my dad who was a music producer switched gears and launched their own children’s clothing company over 10 years ago. It started as simple silk-screened images on cotton tees. Eventually it became what it is today, a high end handmade knits and gorgeously colorful cottons line that is sold across the country in boutiques. Their next clothing venture is an %100 eco friendly line called Tadpole and Lilypad (so cute…and responsible).

The natural progression after building up a lifetime of illustration and designs is to move into licensing and surface patterns. So that’s what she and my dad are doing now, re-inventing themselves once again. I love her designs and admire her delicate lines and bold colors. I think I inherited the color obsession. My dad is no slouch, on top of running the whole business he’s now learned the art of turning her beautiful images into repeat patterns. They’re both talented and inspirational to me.

We’re all going to Surtex together with our respective portfolios in tow (move over Partridge family). We’re hoping to each meet a rep. who will take us on and bring our patterns into the world. We’re totally obsessed with patterns and talk on the phone everyday about what we’re doing. So fun!

She also has character designs, dinnerware, journals, and stationery in addition to her girl and boy patterns. Go mom!

Check out her illustration too. Did I mention that my brother is a freshman at Pratt? We all have the art bug. See my favorite of her characters and journals below.

marikahahn characters
