You are Beautiful + my overwhelmed gripe + Jaime Gertz’s post apocalyptic wasteland skating adventure in 1986

you are beautiful-project

I love this “you are beautiful” project. I fist saw it on one of my favorite blogs happy cavalier.

For something ugly…but really cool. Look at these super close-ups on bug’s faces. Yes, I realize this post is going on all sorts of tangents but that’s how my mind is feeling today.

I’m feeling un-beautiful lately, tired, and over worked. There is so much I want to do and I feel a time pressure for everything. I want to have a thriving career in illustration, print and surface pattern design. Plus I want to maintain this blog, jog 5 days a week, and stay a good and enthusiastic teacher, wife, and friend. Lately all I want to do are abstract drawings. I just went to the Louise Bourgeois show at the Guggenheim and the form and lines of her sculptures are so inspiring.

I also want to enjoy the summer and go for picnics with my husband but I keep thinking of all the things I should be doing, all the mailings, all the new patterns, cards, the new illustrations, the wedding invitations I have to start designing, following up with companies from Surtex….I’m in a bit of head spinning overload mode and I have ideas for little art books I want to make and big oil paintings and pastel drawings. I just want to stop time for a while and lay under a tree and then go work in a huge sunny studio and then resume regular time when I’ve accomplished everything I want to do. Has anyone else had this overwhelmed feeling? Sorry for the purge, I just need to regroup.

On a funny note, I got a kick out of the new movie my husband ordered from Netflicks. Half the time when a dvd arrives we’ve forgotten who had it on their queue but this time I knew it was his. Here’s the title and description:
“This post apocalyptic adventure follows a group of imprisoned, skateball-playing youths (including Jason Patric, Lukas Haas, and Jami Gertz) who find an orb with prophetic powers. When the orb is stolen, the kids make a daring escape to find it and win their freedom from a fascist regime. Tracked by the ruthless general Grock (Richard Jordan), the kids skate their way through wastelands in search of the orb and a way to overthrow the regime.” (1986)

No this is not a joke, it’s a real movie and we’re probably going to watch it.