Jessica Gonacha’s favorite artists

Please welcome the lovely &  talented Jessica Gonacha. This post is truly eye candy!-xo-Sam

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Hi! My name is Jess Gonacha– for those of you who don’t know me, I’m an artist in Atlanta, Georgia, and I’m so excited that Samantha asked me to do a guest post on her blog! Thanks, Samantha. 🙂

So, I thought I’d share a couple of different things with you: first, some recent favorites of mine– 6 artists that are SO inspiring I can hardly believe it. And second, some of my own work! Lately I’ve been obsessed with designing patterns, and since Samantha also designs patterns, i thought it would be fun to share some pattern love. 🙂


1. The Great

2. Sandra Juto

3. Leslie Clerc

4. John Solimine (spike press)

5. Yasmine of ‘a print a day’ (Sam here…annotating….I just think it’s too cute that my guest bloggers admire each other! ok, back to Jess)

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6. Burcuokay

And here is some of my own work (7-11) and links to me online:

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Thanks again to Samantha for asking me to write this post!

