Someday it would be fun to have these printed really big like 25 X 38 or something, preferably silk screened. I know it was a big controversy but I love my For Like Ever poster (it’s now framed in my living room in a white matte-less frame on a dusty blue wall that gets a lot of light, I think it looks fab). I think I love it so much cause it’s simple, graphic, fun colors, and a fun saying evocative of junior high lingo. I actually never saw it on that Domino cover but rather on a blog I like and I just fell in love and got it. Then all the hype began and now every blogger in the world has an opinion about it. I just simply love it. I might even love it for like ever!
I had fun creating the posters above. I’ve been really enjoying hand lettering. It’s new to me. Typography has never been my strong suit but bring it into the artistic realm and I feel a freedom to experiment. Any ideas who I should submit them too? Any poster companies that accept outside submissions I should know about?