Can you guess who this is? + Skinny LaMinx’s newest tea towels!!

Can you guess who this is

I’ll give you a hint as to who this is (the answer is at the bottom of the post), she would love Heather Moore’s (of Skinny LaMinx) newest tea towels:
Skinny La Minx new tea towels

Aren’t they incredible. Heather wrote to tell me about them and I could not resist posting. The design is called LAVA. It’s based on Heather’s cutout of mid-century West German ceramic pots and jugs and is available in Hot lava and in Petrol blue here:
Skinny LaMinx shop on etsy.

Here‘s where I’ve gushed about Heather before.

Ok did you guess who that bathing beauty is?….Drum roll…..Martha Stewart. I found her on Fabulon.