Dave Wood’s bulldog clip type face and other text related posts

Dave Wood bulldog clip type face
via Johnson Banks thought for the week

I think this is fun. I can think of lots of real object ways to make a type face. Staplers might be a good start. Has anyone seen the Dior perfume ad in Vogue with ribbons as text? I’m too lazy to scan it right now. Sorry. Have you seen any unique typefaces lately?

Here are a some other text posts I rounded up from my archives:

  1. embroidered text messages
  2. when I launched my illustrative hand-lettering section online I posted this work
  3. Some of my surface patterns that incorporate text
  4. Tauba Auerbach
  5. Quote posters
  6. Ray Fenwick
  7. Doyald Young

One more thing, do you know about this blog: Oatmeal and Cinnamon? It’s still pretty new but I love everything posted.