February 2009

Eva Funderburgh

Eva Funderburgh

This week I’ll be featuring women artists. They’re all working on fabulous new things and I’ll show you some of their work and tell you a little bit about them. So check back each day for a feature on different woman artist whose work will surely inspire and intrigue.

Let’s start with Eva Funderburgh:
You may recognize the last name “Funderburgh” from the incredible Dan Funderburgh. I love his work. I was thrilled to have him contribute to the love book. Apparently art is in the blood in the Funderburgh family. His sister Eva makes incredible sculptures. I asked her to tell me about them and here’s what she said:

I’m not completely sure where my creatures come from. Most likely from a childhood with healthy doses of science fiction and video games. I try to use my creatures as a lenses to see other things, ranging from human movements and emotions, to larger and more dramatic views of the world and myth.

I use a medium that is pretty uncommon in the present day art world. Not only do I choose to work with porcelain for my sculptures, something a bit unusual, I also use a thousand year old Japanese firing technique to finish it. All of my work is “wood fired” in an anagama style kiln. Basically, we heat the kiln entirely with wood. The wood ash, in turn, actually melts onto the pieces, creating a beautiful, natural, and unpredictable glaze. It’s an incredible process, taking nine people and 5 cords (10 pickup truck loads) of wood. We go nonstop for five days, getting the kiln up to 2400F in temperature. I fire three times a year at “Santatsugama”, or “Three Dragon Kiln”. (This why there was some confusion earlier with my pieces mistakenly being called “santatsugama”s). It’s a whole heck of a lot of work, but results in an incredible, unreproducible result.

Here are some photos from that amazing kiln. Here’re more of her amazing sculptures for you to peruse. I can’t look away.

Check out her blog and shop!

**She and Dan are working on a collaboration. I can’t wait to see how it’ll turn out. I’ll be sure to post it here when it’s complete.

Yellow light polaroids, installations, paintings, & clothing

yellow light polaroids

I love how polaroids seem to capture a warm glow. I culled the photos above from these flickr folk:

  1. the girl on the hill
  2. Joseph Valentino
  3. benben
  4. ozekki

Here are a couple ‘yellow’ posts from my archive:

  1. Yellow clothing palette
  2. Philip Rahm’s Diurnisme at the Pompidou in Paris +Lisa Yuskavage’s yellow light painting

I’m totally fascinated with color as you may have gathered. Check out this explaination for why magenta does not fall on the spectrum and try a few optical color experiments….fascinating.

Prima Facie: John Baldessari

via hi + low blog

Abby Clawson Low of Hi + Low finds the most amazing design in the world. Sometimes she posts simple everyday things like local business cards and gold letter stickers. She has an amazing eye for the special in the everyday and makes me gasp at how amazingly beautiful things can be out of context.

Her blog is by far one of my ultimate favorites. Just look at this series she recently posted by John Baldessari. Photographic images placed alongside adjectives such as “noble”, “kind”, “troubled”, or “jolly” — which establishes the various possibilities of image and language as two forms of communication. *[2005].

I looove.

*I forgot to mention that Joanna of Cup of Jo fame recently posted my no t.v/romantic time V-day plan on her loooove blog at Glamour Smitten.

