Sneak peek: Kelly Lynn Jones

new Kelly Lynn Jones painting
Kelly Lynn Jones
I’m a big fan of Kelly Lynn Jones. Read my interview with her here.

She contributed to the love book earlier this month as well. I had the privilege of visiting her in her studio last summer in San Francisco. Not only is she studying to receive an MFA but she’s also the proprietress of the popular Little Paper Planes shop, where my prints are available.

I don’t know where she find the time to do all of her amazing collages, zines, and paintings.

The one above is totally new and is acrylic and ink on raw stretched canvas, it’s 12 x 16in. relatively small compared with the paintings I saw in her studio, I was surprised by their large scale including the buildings above, that are actually on big canvases.

She will be updating her site soon with lots of new work. I can’t wait to see. I’ll keep you posted too. Consider this a sneak peek till then…