Aesopica: Group show at Rare Device

Horse and groom_for Aesopica Show

I was thrilled when Anna and Sean of Sub-Studio, Working Proof and Brevity fame asked me to create a piece for the Aesopica show at Rare Device (official show announcement here).

  • The show runs November 19 through January 9 in the Rare Device project space (opening November 19 from 7-9pm).
  • Both original artwork and prints will be available, as well as a show catalog printed by Blurb. Aesopica was inspired by the work that 826 National does in helping kids and teenagers with expository and creative writing skills. 15% of the gross proceeds from the show will be donated to the local chapter of 826 National, 826 Valencia.

I chose to depict The Horse and Groom.
“A groom used to spend whole days in currycombing her horse, at the same time stealing his oats and selling them for her own profit. “Alas!” said the Horse, “if you really wish me to be in good condition, you should groom me less, and feed me more.”