New year resolutions: Creature Comforts, Frolic, Shiny Squirrel & Design for Mankind

The new year is a great opportunity to take heed of where you’ve been and where you want to go. I reached out to some inspiring women who you may know well already from the blogosphere to see what they resolve for themselves this coming year. Feel free to leave a resolution in the comments if you feel like sharing.
pretty Ez
Ez of Creature Comforts:

  1. I resolve to only purchase items that I truly love and that compliment my life, and not just products that fill the space or because they have a small price tag.
  2. I resolve to use the craft supplies I already have (my studio is a veritable craft store already) before purchasing any new supplies. This will force me to think outside the box and get creative with what I already own.

Chelsea of frolic
Chelsea of Frolic:

  1. Fall in love with the life I have
  2. Grow my own vegetables
  3. Quit interrupting people
  4. Be a better listener
  5. Go to Australia
  6. Perfect my British accent
  7. Walk or bicycle everyday

Shiny squirrel
Jessica of  The Shiny Squirrel

  1. Eat more Greens
  2. Read the authors that I have always wanted to read: David Foster Wallace, Annie Carson, etc…
  3. Go to the Movies once a month
  4. Attend more cultural events
  5. Give myself time to relax
  6. Dehoard on a monthly basis

Design for Mankind
Erin of Design for Mankind

  1. Stop using emoticons!!!
  2. Be a Mary Bailey sort of wife (from It’s A Wonderful Life)
  3. Join a book club
  4. Make my bed daily