December 2010

Galison Vintage Typewriter pocket planner

my planner for Galison

I’m excited to share one of the most fun projects I ever worked on, The Vintage Typewriter pocket planner from Galison.

Here’s what they say about it:

the cover and endpaper illustrations of the typewriter, quill pen and bottle of ink, skeleton keys. We’ve applied some of our own favorite mantras of “think, write, create” under the vintage typewriter on the cover, “create every day” on the endpaper, and “next great idea” label on the black spine.

The checklists and pages inside are neat and organized, but with a handmade feel. More whimsical illustrations include a townie bike with a basket filled with flowers, vintage cameras, compasses, a violin, books, artist’s paintbrushes…well, you’ll have to discover more yourself while you’re getting organized!

I wish I could show you every illustration and word but that would ruin it for you if you plan to pick one up. It will be so useful to have a pocket sized planner with me on the subway! Would be a great stocking stuffer too. For a peek at a few more images from inside the book, check out my flickr stream. And check out this mini journal!

Happy Monday!

Bust Craftacular this weekend!

i make thing's at the Bust Craftacular

Starlet journals

If you are in NY this weekend stop by my agency’s booth: 11 (right up front). Their gallery (Hanahou) will be selling lots of great items that could be purchased as gifts for loved ones or…eh..hem…yourself! They’ll be carrying some limited edition prints of mine, hand bound journals (did someone say stocking stuffer!) as well as t-shirts, magnets, correspondence cards and other items with my designs on them.

Bust Craftacular:

  • the Metropolitan Pavilion 125 West 18th Street New York, NY
  • Sunday 10am-8pm
  • $2 admission and free goodie bag

New Years get up: All that glitters is gold

New Years get up
For New Years this year we’ll probably do what we always do, get together with close pals for a delicious dinner at one of our apartments. Most likely it’ll be ours since our baby goes to bed at 6:30 ; ) Still I would not mind having this outfit. I think it works for a night out or in:

  1. Heidi Merrick: La Fayette one shoulder tunic (this is a show stopper)
  2. Kate Spade: take a chance necklace. I am in mad love with this. I still adore my 6th grade nameplate necklace. To me this is the grown up, more sophisticated version and the sentiment is right on for the new year (if I were to write to Santa and ask for anything I think this would be good and it would not break his bank)
  3. Party blow-out: In metallic (really fun whether your party is big or small, it just makes the night festive)
  4. Ash: Pal Suade booties (ohhh, these kick you know what. I love their tough utilitarian feel juxtaposed with that sexy tunic)
  5. Design Within Reach: Midas Collection glassware (who cares that these are made for outside? Not me, I’d serve white sangria or even the bubbly in them)
