January 2011

My heart is yours

my heart is yours
Valentine’s day is coming up. It’s not really a big deal to us. We usually just have a little cozy dinner at home with some sort of treat for dessert like some Jaques Torres but I love creating art around the theme of ‘love’.

Fashion Illustration: Visual Poetry snap shot

Fashion Illustration: Visual Poetry

Last night the group show I’ve been blabbing about opened. It was crazy packed full of fashion illustration fans. The work was amazing to see in person. I love seeing brushstrokes and textures of illustrations. I’m so used to seeing them printed so it was a treat to see them in the flesh. I was honored to be nestled between the talented Bil Donovan and Stina Persson. Above is a snap shot…

Have a splendid weekend!

Daily drawing: Hiding

Just a quick watercolor that I threw some salt on for texture ; )

Little French girl re-tells Winnie the Pooh

I’m thrilled that Holly just blogged about the show over on Decor8. She’s the best!

Now I’m going to diverge from illustration for a minute to share a video. This little French girl is the best storyteller ever. Without the subtitles I would not understand her but I’d be rapt either way.

You gave this to me


This will be a busy week, lots of projects to work on and then the Fashion Illustration: Visual Poetry show. I may mention the show to you a lot this week, I’m really looking forward to it! Sorry if I get redundant. The piece above is not in the show but I created it at the same time as the other pieces so it’s in a similar vein.

Hope you can make the opening this Thursday if you are in the NY area. If not, you can pre-order pieces from Gallery Hanahou. Just contact them or me for a pre-show catalog. I’m honored to be in this show with other illustrators whose work I love.

Also, we worked on my site all weekend. It’s been completely revamped!

