January 2012

Piggy and Kermie: Annie Hall



Images via:

  1. OMG A Muppet take on Annie Hall and Woody Allen from a 1982 calendar Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy in Great Lovers of the Silver Screen
  2. Nerd Boyfriend photo of Jim Henson


Nip in the air: Printed wool scarf from Suno

Printed wool scarf from Suno
Brr….it’s getting frigid out there. I guess it was too much to expect mother nature to keep the balmy going for the duration of winter. Donning this Suno scarf would be perfect way to ward away a chill and keep you looking cool.

Looking inward, looking outward

richard avedon by Jacques-Henri Lartigue 1966
Marianne Breslauer754
2011 has come and gone. The beginning of a new year is such an interesting time to look both at yourself and beyond to imagine a better you and a better year.

Happy 2012 to all of you my lovely lovely Maquette readers.

images via Fantomatik

