April 2012

Fab.com sale April 8th at 11am

Helen of Troy 5 8X11

mens wear fall 2012 11X14 print

Stamped polishes with concentrated inks 11X14 print

My fab.com sale is on Easter Sunday….yep…great day for a sale as I’m sure you will all be leaving your Easter egg hunts to do some art shopping???!! The sale lasts for 72 hours luckily so check it out Sunday or Monday. I know certain things will sell fast–like the Chanel polishes. People have been asking for them. Here are a few more pieces that will be in the sale. The rest here.

Fab.com sale- April 8th!: Originals & prints

My favorite Chanel polishes Fab exclusive 11X14
My favorite looks from pre-fall 2012 11X14 print
Waiting in the garden_alt view
Broken_alt view

So excited to be having another fab.com sale. It was great last time. I’m selling a bunch of originals and prints. I hope you find something you like! I made another Chanel polish print with hot spring colors–after a crazy amount of inquiries (they sold really fast last time–I guess people like nail polish collections)! Here’s a preview of the sale on flickr.

