One of my favorite literary heroines

Edna Pontellier
Edna Pontellier quote
I mentioned recently that my book Well-Read Women: Portraits of Fictions Most Beloved Heroines is available for pre-order (officially releasing August 27th). I’m so excited about it, I can’t resist posting some sneak peeks here and there such as a little collection of some jazz age characters. Today I wanted to share one of my favorite characters from one of my favorite books, Edna Pontellier from Kate Chopin’s The Awakening. If you have not read it, I highly recommend it. I think I might re-read it this summer. Is that something you do sometimes or do you feel like reading a book once is enough? Do you think you get something different from a book when you read it at a different time in your life? Please share. Also, if you have not “liked” the Well-Read Women facebook page, please do. It would be so nice of you. If you feel like sharing your favorite character in the comments that would be so cool too. I’d love to know.

