We The Constitution: Andrew Sloat

Andrew Sloat

(HD) A More Perfect Union from Andrew Sloat on Vimeo.

Our friend Andrew Sloat (genius director and designer) created an incredible series of short films, each one about an excerpt (an article, an amendment, a section, a clause) of the United States Constitution. They’ll be on display through the end of the month in Times Square presented in partnership with Times Square Advertising Coalition (TSAC) and the AIGA/NY from 11:57pm – midnight every night.

Midnight Moment: A Digital Gallery is the largest coordinated effort in history by the sign operators in Times Square to display synchronized, cutting-edge creative content at the same time every day.

So happy to have participated in A More Perfect Union above. Check out the rest of the videos here. I’m the “U” in one part and the “F” in another.

File this under, friends that do amazingly cool things!