Milton Glaser for Madmen

madmen poster
I was beyond excited when I read this Times article revealing that graphic design baron Milton Glaser would be designing the upcoming season of Madmen‘s billboards and posters. I love that Matthew Weiner grew up admiring Glaser’s work. His sentiments perfectly describe why Glaser’s being hit up to create the illustrations: “he said he had long dreamed of Mr. Glaser’s having a hand in the show’s ads — not only because of his renown as the creator of the ubiquitous I <3 NY logo and other images, but also because he embodied the ethos of the era, as the clean-lined, clean-conscience advertising of the 1950s and early 1960s fractured, along with the culture, into something more chaotic, self-doubting and interesting.”

Nothing is more true to me than Glaser’s axiom “Art is Work”. His life and career are a testament to said philosophy.

Only Glaser could command such deference from a client, “I don’t like to talk to anybody because I always want to have my way in everything,” he said.

To which Mr. Weiner responded: “And I want to talk to everybody because I want my way.” But he added, “Basically, once we decided that it was going to be Milton, I just deferred to him.”

The Trippy ’60s, Courtesy of a Master: ‘Mad Men’ Enlists the Graphics Guru Milton Glaser is a great article with wonderful insights into Glaser’s mind. I suggest you click over and read it all and look for his work on busses and billboards next week. Can’t wait for the season to start.