Happy Friday: Summer scenes

What a gorgeous day it is. It feels like the perfect summer day with the tiniest hints of autumn. It’s Henry’s last day of camp and I’m less than a week away from my due date with Vivian so I’m just tying up loose ends before she comes. Sometimes I think when people are in prenatal mode (ehem, people like us) they act as though they’re preparing for the post-apocalypse. Life does drastically change but it’s not as though we’ll never be able to do anything ever again. I have to remind myself that I’ll be able to work (even though it may be hard at first), I’ll sleep again someday, and have a date with my husband. Right now it seems like a tornado is coming. I am excited to meet my little daughter though. I don’t know what we’ll do this weekend, our last as a 3 person family. I hope, if the weather’s nice to spend lots of time outdoors soaking up the last drop of summer. I wish you the best summer weekend of them all.



forest lake
