Daily Paintings

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Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 1.18.16 PMI’ve mentioned here before that I try to do daily drawings or paintings. Sometimes, well let’s be honest, most of the time it does not happen. If I have more than one job on my desk I don’t want to spend any time on other things. Above are a few recent explorations where I am playing with collage. I stole some of my son Henry’s tissue paper (he’s not that into collage anyway).  To be completely honest with you, I’m in the midst of something. I’m not sure how to label it, but I’m feeling a bit stuck creatively. So I think it’s good to simply play around with materials that are not my usual go-tos. We’ll see if playing around can help me out of my rut. Follow my daily work and play on Instagram if you like and have a stellar weekend.