August 2007



We got a lovely journal as a wedding gift from Mark Frauenfelder of Boing Boing. My husband edited his new book, Rule the Web.

Tyler Bender creates these fabulous journals from old books and assorted papers. The man’s extremely talented, and he has an Etsy shop: perfect.

I use an old book for a sketch book too, but I don’t have fancy pages, just the words of the book.

samantha hahn's sketchbook

Sweet and Juicy Cards


Sigh . . . I lament summers passing. Perhaps I can extend this one with these sweet and scrumptious cards by Saturate and Linda & Harriet. You can send berry cards in the fall right? You can still find berries in the supermarket . . . for $10 a carton, but they’re there.

Mellow Yellow


We visited the Pompidou Museum in Paris this summer for our honeymoon and experienced the Philippe Rahm installation Diurnisme.

Rahm subverted the perpetual day created by modernity and contemporary globalization. The room is bathed in a bright orange/yellow light with wavelengths upwards of 600 nanometers, which is perceived by the body as night.

The hormone melatonin guides our perception of day or night. The light of the room triggers the production of melatonin, tricking the body into thinking it’s night. We didn’t get too sleepy, though—we’d just enjoyed some cappuccinos. The first photo above is the exhibit, the second is my husband about to enter, and the third is my favorite painter, Lisa Yuskavage, who painted a woman changing in the yellow light of morning.

