November 2007

Lucky Violet’s gift guide: It’s hip to be square so think outside the box

square gifts by violet at lucky

It’s already time to start thinking about picking up holiday gifts. My b.f Violet just posted her Lucky Gift Guide with items all under 50 smackers. Good job V. She chose such great stuff I decided to aggregate some of it for Maquette readers. I happen to have been drawn to a few square items. What a lovely shape. I’m truly in love with the Kate Spade clock. I really really want to get it. I’m such a fan of her stuff.

Perry Street clock, $40,

Resin “Thomas House” pillbox, $40,

“Candy pyramid” ring, $35,

Capturing light

bathing cap girl on the beach at sunset illustration

lens flare- reeds on the pier

I’m so fascinated by light. It’s quite difficult to capture. Whenever I find an artist who does it so well (Spencer Finch and Philippe Rahm for two), I’m blown away. In my own work and play I try to explore light and the feeling or mood it can evoke. The illustration above is another one I’m working on to build up my new illustration portfolio. I want to evoke the feeling of the end of a summer day. The photos of the sun and reeds I took on Sunday while strolling with my husband and pooch in Piermont, NY. I love the way the little tufts on top of the reeds were illuminated by the sun.

Coming full circle: Returning to illustration

bowtie girl illustration I'm working on

I think I can safely say that I was born into illustration. My mom was an illustrator doing work for Cosmo, Vogue, Good Housekeeping, Bloomingdales etc. I was always posing for her polaroid reference shots (ah… the good old 80’s). A make-up how to, a fashion spread, a children’s book, you name it. She worked in colored pencil, pastel, and watercolor mostly.

My ideal day as a kid was to wake up go to my hand-me-down drawing table and just draw all day. I drew fashion girls that looked like Katy Keene, princesses, narratives, etc. So When I majored in illustration, no one was surprised. I loved working the way I did in college, I learned so much but the work was not intrinsically me. So I moved away from it toward painting thinking that that would be better for me. But somehow I never felt totally comfortable working like that either.

So now, years later I’m returning to my childhood roots and working the way I love. I’m currently putting together a portfolio and website and just finished a slew of illustrations for fashion designer/ blogger Mary Jo Matsumoto that she’ll be posting on her site soon. I’m working on the illustration above, playing with background, color, and cropping. More later.

Australian artist Lily Piri: Magical illustrations

Lilly Piri

There’s something so quiet, soft, and yet arresting about Lily Piri’s work. I can feel the sadness in the eyes of her subjects and also their sweet effervescence.

Her drawings skills are amazing. I’d love to buy a piece from her when we finally move to a new apartment. I’m mesmerized by her lines and colors. I could stare at one of her pictures for hours making up narratives in my mind.

If I ever go to Australia I’d love to visit her studio. I picture her working in a sunny room with a little bouquet of delicate flowers on her drawing table and a soft kitty curled at her feel. If I were ever to commission someone to illustrate the Little Prince, It’d be Lily.

Oh boy do I love Oh Joy!: Nantaka Joy a fabulous print and pattern collection by famous blogger Oh Joy!

Oh Joy!

I was lucky enough to go to college with some truly superb artists. Joy was one of them. She was always working so hard in studio and producing great work. Her work came to fruition in a big and beautiful way.

Though she’s been in the design world for some time with lots of success, she recently launched an incredible new line called Nantaka Joy. It’s time for us to start thinking about holiday cards (time is just flying by) so I thought I would dazzle you with Joy’s stunning line of cards and journals.

Joy also happens to be my blogging guru. When I first started she was nice enough to let me pick her brain. It seems every blog I come across (that I love) has Oh Joy! on the blogroll. She’s truly a member of the bloggaratti.

Congratulations on your magnificent work Joy. Check out her blog for the best of the best in the art and design world.

