Plush Art dolls

Plush Art Toys

1 Hersenzart via Kitsune Noir
2 More Hersenzart. Oh and here’s her blog
3 Beastieland by Jan Descartes on Etsy
4 Mirkka Hokkanen on Shiny Squirrel

Check out these awesome Wild Thing dolls. That story is still one of my favorite’s of all time. AdamX Maquette’s trusty advisor suggested the link.

Mike another frequent Maquette advisor pointed out this great article about the Etsy phenomena/ craft 2.0 movement here and here.

Also, I hope you noticed Maquette’s little face lift? New banner, new colors. I threw the original one together and never liked it too much. So now it’s revamped. I hope you like the new look! There’s also the new category “portfolio”. It’s a link to the temporary home of my illustrations till the site is done.