Charley Harper, “An Illustrated Life” with Todd Oldham: Ammo Books

Charley Harper

These Charley Harper illustrations are unbelievably stunning. I’m waiting for Todd Oldham or another designer to turn them into textiles for fashion, home decor…you name it.

Here’s what Ammo Books has to say about this compilation of (the recently deceased) Charley Harper’s work:”delightful, graphic and often humorous illustrations of nature, animals, insects and people alike. Charley liked to say, that when he paints a bird, he doesn’t count all the feathers in the wings – he just counts the wings. Minimal realism, he called it, and his unique and precise style continues to resonate and inspire his admirers.”

This stunning book showcases his illustrations from 1950-1985. Designer Todd Oldham collaborated.

order the book from Ammo Books

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