July 2008

Street Style: Violet’s shoot in Cannes, for Lucky Magazine

Street Style Cannes

One of my best girlfriends on the planet, Violet just went to Cannes to shoot street style For Lucky and check out some films with her film festival curator boyfriend (the glamourous life!). She did a splendid job. Her style is perfection too. I love these outfits from her fabulous trip the best (I’m a sucker for headbands around the forehead and suspenders!):

Cannes street style 2

Here’s a picture of me from last December with suspenders, it’s not the best picture but you get the idea:
me in suspenders

I hope you have an absolutely splendid weekend!

New drawings: tangled

Tangled up

Dave’s in San Francisco for work. I miss my best friend. Can’t wait till he comes home. It’ll be his birthday. So we’ll get to celebrate together, with his family, and then with his friends. I just can’t wait to see him on Monday.

I guess these drawings are sullen because I’m all alone….

New Drawing: “Braided”

"Braided" color and tonal
Hello there Maquette friends,
I’ve been working on lots of projects for “business” so I needed a little break and thought I’d just do a new drawing for myself. I do at least a drawing a day but usually just doodles. I thought I’d take this one a little further. I am totally obsessed with color so I thought it would be interesting to try working tonally with just black, white, and gray. Then I played with adding a little color and doubling the girl.

I sent it off to Jessica, she may want it for Shiny Squirrel Shop. Then we can reduce my other stuff in there. It’s time for something new. Shiny Squirrel just blew up the spot in Nylon Magazine. Yay Jessica.

Dresses that tickle the ground: The long dress trend by Rachel Pally, Thread, + Philip Lim

Long Dresses

  1. Rachel Pally
  2. Thread
  3. Philip Lim

I’m all aboard the long dress trend. I think my wedding dress last year gave me a taste for it. They are so flattering and classy. I lucked out at Century 21 and found a DVF one. I might wear it to a wedding later this summer or something. I need to start jogging again though or it just might accentuate a curve or two that I don’t want exposed. Maggie Gyllenhaal is perfection. She’s my favorite. See this picture I pulled from Coquette’s post on the Dark Knight premier. I also found this DVF gem. So many choices out there. What a great trend, glad it’s back.

Here’s a crumpled old photo of me as a kid donning the fairy/flower child style:
23sam swing

