I’m beyond thrilled that my work is now for sale in the fabulous Little Paper Planes shop. I got to deliver my prints in person to Kelly this summer in San Fran. I’ve been a long time admirer of her incredible work. It was really great seeing it in person. She was even kind enough to give me her precious artist zine. You can get yours here. The prints of mine for sale in the shop can be seen here (interview with Kelly below):
and these too.
A little interview with Kelly:
It’s unusual for an artist to want to promote and feature other artist’s work. Can you tell us what made you decide to start LPP and how you curate it with your artistic vantage point?
What are your plans for LPP and for yourself as an artist?
I am so glad you have joined the LPP team, you are a lovely addition to the work.
Thank you so much Kelly!