My beautiful nana turns 93!

nana Sally

I love these photos of my nana (to see some fabulous photography and illustration from the art deco era, check out Art Deco blog).

Doing a personal post diverges from my usually design and art related banterings but I have to today. Last weekend we went up to celebrate my nana’s 93rd b’day. She is the most positive and loving person on the planet. She only sees the good side of people and has nothing but pride and encouragement for her loved ones. So it was our turn to celebrate her.

ace playing piano and nana, me, Dave, + Pita watch
Dave played clarinet for her and demonstrated his karate moves. My brother played his own music for her at the piano. His old band “lucky Pierre” has disbanded and he’s getting together a new one called “Czar”. He’s very cool and knows everything about underground music. He’s a great drummer and self taught pianist. Plus, he’s a sophmore at Pratt. He’s not a bad painter to boot. Here’s what he made out of a shredded wood fondue skewer on the table:

shredded fondue skewer art
and here’s what he painted with the chocolate fondue on his plate.
Sunday morning we continued the celebration with my mom’s delicious waffles on the porch:
waffle breakfast

Here are a few photos from last years celebration. She never changes one bit!

Hope you have a fantastic Monday. I’m going to post a new pattern I made over the weekend tomorrow…