March 2010

Perfect Outfit

perfect outfit

This is pretty much the most perfect outfit imaginable:

  1. Rachel Comey pullover
  2. Bonita skirt
  3. Coclico wedge sandals
  4. Erie Basin cameo ring
  5. Alexis Bittar earrings
  6. Marc Jacobs hobo bag
  7. Field Notes (well technically not part of the outfit but good for jotting down ideas in while also looking good)

By the way, I was just interviewed for Brooklyn meets Portland, week 5 on Art Hound.

I hope you have a great Tuesday. This is my last week before spring vacation. I’m looking forward to a staycation. I’ll do lots of art, lots of chilling with my baby and husband. We’ll take him to the museum and park and out for delicious dinners. We’ll be eating, he’ll be drinking milk.

Paris is a click away

Eiffel Tower 11X14 thin cream watercolor paper

I’m not one of those francophiles….or perhaps I am. I have to say that taking the train to Paris last minute on our honeymoon because Italy was too hot was one of the best travel decisions we’ve ever made. We strolled all over town eating macarons, visiting Musée D’Orsay, Centre Pompidou and of course the Louvre….anyway I hope so much that we’ll get to go back someday with our little guy.

Anyway, if you can’t get on a plane to Paris anytime soon, check out this amazing virtual Parisian tour.

Aris 26 Gigapixels is a stitching of 2346 single photos showing a very high-resolution panoramic view of the French capital (354159×75570 px). Dive into the image and visit Paris like never before!

Owls Have More Fun: Lisa Grue at Gallery Hanahou

owls have more fun- Lisa Grue

I dropped by Gallery Hanahou a couple of weeks ago while Lisa Grue was setting up the owl show.

What an amazing exhibit, I have to tell you! Some walls are papered with her incredible graphic pen work while on the opposing walls crisp white plates acted as canvas to that same detailed line work but on a much smaller scale. Throughout the space neon pom poms popped with lively color.

It’s definitely work checking out if you are in NY. If not, peruse the flickr group and Lisa’s site.

More on Hanahou.

Have a fabulous weekend!

The Weight of the World

the weight of the world

Seems as though I’m obsessed with painting women carrying things on their backs.

See examples a and b.

