August 2010

Katja Mater: The dancers

the dancers by katja mater

I love this photographic series by Katja Mater. It reminds me both of pastel drawings and occult photography.

My husband and I are having a staycation this weekend while my folks play with baby Henry and his play with the doggie. We are going to movies and plays and out to dinner and brunch. It should be a good time.

I hope you have fun plans too!


rainy day

I’m happy to announce that my agency CWC in Tokyo has now launched my work on their site!!!

It’s so exciting. After lots and lots of hard work I’m seeing a rewarding payoff. I’m so happy to share my work and to collaborate with people in the world on their projects! It’s all I’ve ever wanted professionally.

Here’s a personal piece I did a few days ago.

Autumn wear

looking at for fallSummer has been so amazing. I do love teaching art but it’s been nice not getting on the subway, playing with Henry all day and working on lots of freelance illustration jobs when he sleeps. Still I must say fall is my favorite season for fashion. Summer is full of lovely dresses and light as a feather t-shirts but I’m just chilling in the park, getting coffee with friends and playing on the ground with baby Henry so I don’t make much of an effort. When I see fall fashion I get excited to care about silhouettes again, jackets that tie at the waist, peasant blouses and black tights. Here are a few timeless outfits to act as an amuse bouche for autumn:

  1. Whit
  2. Harvey Faircloth
  3. Chance
