November 2010

Judging a book by its cover: Automobile Quarterly 1972

automobile quarterly
automobile quarterly2
I know it seems random that I’d post about an automobile book but this book screamed to me from the used bookstore window. I just had to stop and look at it every time I passed until one day I just couldn’t take it anymore, went in and bought it! I love the cover. The red color with that awesome illustrated Studebaker and wagon. I bought it because of it’s cover but I like the photographs and illustrations inside too. The typography is really inspiring. I imagine the design department of the publisher working on it in their Mad Men-esq office. Had to share.

Hope you had a nice weekend? We went to the playground and park, out for brunch with friends in their neighborhood (it’s so awesome having friends who love our baby!!), dinner with a friend at our place. We also managed to squeeze some good work time in and practicing with Henry on walking.

Sparkle Labs Retrospective at Gallery Hanahou: My custom bot- sneak peek

Tonight is the Sparkle Lab retrospective at Gallery Hanahou. I was thrilled to be asked to customize a few Papertronics Lunar Modules. Here’s one of them. He’s got LED eyes and is known as Salty Sailor. I’ll post the others after the exhibit (Ms. Kitty and Mr. Slick).

If you are going to come check it out tonight rsvp to:

Also come to the DIY Electronics workshop with Ariel, at Hanahou, on Saturday 11/13.

daily drawing: animals

animal kingdom

Today I’m finishing up some illustration freelance jobs. While I’m waiting to hear whether they’re approved I did this drawing of some animals. I mostly enjoy drawing girls but thought it would be a nice change to paint some lovely animals. Don’t you think foxes and fawns are beautiful?

1st Birthday invitation


Henry’s first b’day just passed and I thought it would be fun to challenge myself to use text without hand lettering and all of my usual watercolor and pen techniques to create the invitation. He shared the party with his gal pal Nico who is a day younger.

