April 2011

20 signs of spring

 20 signs of spring

20 signs of spring via Things Organized Neatly

We’ve been pretty stressed over here. We’re planning some big changes in our life and thus dealing with all of the logistical nightmares that go along with that. Nonetheless, we took a much needed trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (over the weekend) to look for signs of spring. Some cherry blossoms were starting to bloom. Many magnolias and dogwoods are in their full glory and the forsythia bushes added some beauty and happiness into our day. I’ll share the changes soon. For now, enjoy this lovely arrangement of flowers and leaves that I grabbed from one of my favorite sites.

Posters of Fortune: Abby Low

abby low

I read about this project on Hi + Low, the amazing Abby Low‘s blog. She was asked to participate in the Posters of Fortune project by the Type Directors Club. I’m a huge fan of Abby’s work and aesthetic. Amongst other amazing design clients and jobs, Abby led Kate Spade’s in house design team for a number of years (disclaimer, I chose to mention this because I love Kate Spade. I think one of my professional dreams would be do so something with that brand. Perhaps something like the Kate Spade planner or their monthly color collaborations with artists. Up this month, a Mike Perry (the color green) video featuring my friend Caroline of Brvtvs. Oh and Abby’s a co-creator of Harvey Faircloth.

Anyway, Abby’s a genius. Here are some great posts from her blog:

  1. mix tapes
  2. Klas Herbert
  3. XOXO rubik’s cube
  4. Airmail


Daily drawing: Girl with sprig

girl with sprig

Just a little daily drawing. It’s been a really hectic time so I have not been posting or doing many. But I promise there will be a ton starting in June.

I made a tiny lino cut to create this sprig and then I printed it on a different sheet of paper, cut it out and pasted it on. One of my goals is to do more printing, stamping and collage in my work. Have a happy day. XO.

