February 2012

Tangerine dreams

Happy Wednesday. It feels like Monday to me. Henry has been off from school the last couple of days for a President’s weekend extended vacation. I miss him today but am happy to be back to work at my drawing table and desk.

Spring is definitely encroaching which makes me dream of happy colors. Orange is the epitome of cheerful, bright and bold. I’d love to celebrate spring with these items:


Nail polish trends I want to try

I’m a minimal make-up girl. I often go out without a lick of it on unless I have a meeting or social plans. So I tend to keep my nails polished. It helps me feel…well…polished. I’m excited that interesting colors and unique designs are creeping in.

When I was little I loved neon yellow polish. One of my babysitters once used pearl and that became a favorite of mine too. Once I even mixed dark purple into the pearl for a shimmery opalescent effect. These days I love bright oranges, grays, khaki greens, deep blues and every 4th nail a different color.

Refinery 29 seems to be at the helm of what’s happening in nail fashion. They did a great round-up of New York Fashion Week nail trends. The above two I’m dying to try. I might try pale pink and dark gray with the French manicure. The terracotta would be great to try with another color scheme too. I will have to think about that one.

Have a splendid weekend! Big xoxoxoxos.

— Sam

Ring re-do

ring dreams
I love my engagement ring and wedding band but if I could do it all again I’d don this beautiful art deco band from Erie Basin and on the other hand, this amazing 1950’s ring from Erstwhile that is already sold (so I don’t have a link. I just pulled the image to my desktop a while back and can’t stop gawking at it). I’d rather the center stone be sapphire though. I’m not a big diamond gal. I love color! I just love the cut so much!

1. I just noticed that I did this post a while back featuring another circular ring that’s similar to the Erstwhile one above (this might be my dream ring. I love yellow gold and the pink….oh it’s fun to dream!)

2. Here are some more rings I love

3. More vintage ones from Erie basin

4. Here’s a simple delicate one from Philip Crangi. He’s great

Maybe you got engaged over Valentine’s day and are looking for a unique ring and I just helped you find it?! I hope, I hope!

Audrey Hepburn + red lipstick

This photo is a gem. What a beauty she is. -Via Jeana Sohn‘s blog.

Also, have you seen Refinery’s post on red lipsticks? I really really want to get one of them. I think my friend Caroline would be the perfect girl to take with me to Sephora to ask “how’s this one?” and then blot and try until the perfect shade came around.

I covet red lips but sometimes feel like I look like I have punch mouth by the end of the day so I’d aim to find a lipstick that won’t seep out. Punch-mouth (tee-hee, I said it again).

p.s I put the Hepburn photo on my pretty pinboard

