July 2014

Iconic, intimate shots of Hollywoods heyday

I recently stumbled across this great round-up featuring intimate shots of a bygone era, Hollywood’s heyday. They’re strikingly different from the papparazzi shots we see today of our pop celebs. I love the photography in and of itself and all of the stars look like they’re in on a secret. Check out the whole slideshow on TheCut.

Summer Instagram


There’s something truly magical about summer. Even though some days are sweltering and really uncomfortable, there are always days and evenings with beautiful light, lush trees and grass, blooming flowers, fireflies and refreshing breezes after the thunder storm. So I always enjoy following my friend’s instagram streams. Right now I have a friend in Sweden taking in some breathtaking sights, another just went camping. In looking at their photos I feel like I’m getting a little vicarious taste of their lives and the places they visit.

At 7+ months pregnant we’re having a pretty relaxing summer. I drop Henry off at camp in our neighborhood and then get to work in my studio. Weekends we hop a train to Long Beach for the day or hit the playgrounds or park. Next week were headed out for a week long trip full of pool and ocean swimming and lots of lounging around.

My instagram feed is lazy and chill as it should be during the summer months. I’ve been posting snapshots of daily life, beautiful evening light in my living room, a snap of a plane overhead from the beach and anything else that strikes my fancy. Feel free to follow along if you like.

Happy July 4th weekend

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Tomorrow Henry’s off from camp for the July 4th holiday so today is going to be jam packed with work to prepare for the long relaxing family weekend (without much time to sit in my studio). We’re going to play each day by ear depending on the weather . We’ve been hitting the beach on weekends but maybe this weekend will be too crowded? Or maybe it will be too rainy?

I wish we could just dive into one of these David Hockney swimming pools!! Enjoy the weekend.

images via:




The Pink Helmet Posse

I sometimes fear having a daughter because of all the societal pressures she’ll face then I think about how incredibly far we’ve come since my childhood even. I love these little inspiring ladies. This NYT Op-Doc about 6 year old skateboarding girls makes me smile and get even more excited to have a daughter than ever.

