Brother Vellies Met Gala X NY Times Style Section feature


I love looking at pretty clothing, conceptually interesting designs and controversial fashion. I don’t believe in a lot of parameters when it comes to art and find it scintillating when art creates a conversation. I was happy to illustrate for Brother Vellies during the Met Gala and then to lend the illustrations to this NY Times Style piece on AOC’s controversial statement dress.

@aoc’s @themetgalaofficial look by @aurorajames @brothervellies.

From Aurora, Brother Vellies founder/designer in the article:

“Listen, it would be a lot easier to go to the Met Gala and just wear a really beautiful dress and look really beautiful and have a good time. But that was not her intention, right? Her intention was to take a conversation that’s largely existing in working-class communities and bring it into rooms where that conversation might be a little bit more uncomfortable. It’s not easy to show up in a room like that, with a statement like that.

There’s a lot of people who gain access to rooms like that and are too afraid to rock the boat.”