May 2008

Design*Sponge posted my patterns & Shiny Squirrel shop is carrying some exclusive prints!+ some tiny treasures.

My art in Shiny Squirrel shop and tiny treasures I found on my stoop (they’re going to become a pattern soon):
Design Sponge/ Shiny Squirrel post

I’m beyond thrilled that Grace of Design*Sponge did an amazing post about my patterns and Surtex debut yesterday. Thank you Grace. I love D*S and absorb inspiration from it everyday. So it was a real coo to be featured. I’m getting really excited for Surtex, making patterns everyday, printing my work, having samples made…avoiding drafting up contracts…you know the usual artist behaviors: All art, no business.

In other exciting news, Shiny Squirrel is now featuring a series of my work to sell as exclusive art prints in the Shiny Squirrel shop. I hope you like the work. It’s available here.

Check out Jessica’s fashion blog and the other wonderful artist’s work she carries in her shop.

Here are some posts I’ve done on Jessica’s shop in the past: Shiny Squirrel launch, Maquette gift guide (featuring Shiny Squirrel items).

Some new patterns:

new patterns
I’m trying to make some more generic themed patterns before the show. I have a lot of illustrative ones so I thought it would be good to just have some that are not conceptual, that are solely visual and pretty, hence the apples and dreamy lilac circle pattern above. I am also working on some plates that I’ll post soon. I hope you’re not bored of my patterns. If you are, check out Tauba Auerbach’s new work, here’s some older work of her’s that I love.

Some New Patterns: Pneumatic Knockouts, Tear Drops, Graphic Flowers, & Eccentrics.


new patterns

Surtex is in a couple of weeks and I feel like I have a slew of patterns in my brain that need to be realized. I frankly wish I could just work on the samples I need made and other logistical things like purchase orders and prints…but I can’t seem to stop making patterns. Maybe my brain will run dry soon?

The ones above are a little sample of the last couple of weeks. I have my fabric samples so I’ll have some applications to show you soon. I’m also going to show some illustrations with my patterns in them. I made some tromp l’oeil frames to put them in for the booth. If you are coming to Surtex, please stop by booth 1010 to say hi!

New Colour Lovers post: Wall Decals + Wallpaper: Adding color without paint.

wallpaper and decals

In my newest post for Colour Lovers, I included my own patterns in addition to some excellent decal and wallpaper companies that give you a myriad of customizable options such as choosing the color of a wall decal, removable decals, custom wallpaper designs, and DIY murals. Please check out the post for lots of colorful finds for your walls from some fantastic international companies. Happy Monday, I hope you had a lovely weekend.

My art in the new issue of Lovely Magazine. Plus some link love and unremarkable quirks.


I’m so happy that some of my early patterns are gracing the pages of Lovely Magazine, the May issue. They have some really nice photography and I like their perspective on style and beauty. Take a look at their other issues too.

I just discovered another design blog to love by Summer, a baker, crafter, & mum: Design is Mine just did a complimentary post about my work. Thanks so much! Another addition to my blogroll, check her out.

Also thanks to the stylish blog Vain and Vapid for posting my flying shoe from Urban Outfitter’s blog. I love link love.

On another note, I was tagged by Robyn of Snow White’s Legacy of Lies (I created her shoe logo so check it out) to list 6 of my unremarkable quirks and tag other bloggers:

  1. I do a strange little dance, a cross between robot, running man, and river dance to make my husband laugh when he’s mad at me. Works like a charm.
  2. I set my alarm for 5:06, not 5:05 because I like to steal an extra minute of sleep
  3. I tickle my husband’s neck because it causes him make a noise that I liken to a snake monster. So as I tickle I say “make the snake monster noise”. He does not like this one bit.
  4. I like shoes that remind me of mice. I have little gray Onitsuka Tigers and Marc Jacobs flats with a mouse face. I call both pairs my meesers and they also make me do a little dance that very few people have ever seen, or ever will.
  5. I love to put cinnamon on everything.
  6. I make up songs all the time. They’re kind of like Star Search songs from the 80’s but with lyrics from the banalities of life.

Cherry Blossoms!

cherry blossoms
I’m obsessing over the cherry blossoms. We’re going to the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens (a few blocks from our apt) to see them in their full glory THIS WEEKEND even if I have to skip sleep next week to get ready for Surtex (in 3 weeks, count down, eek).

I stole a sneak peak of them in Central Park on my lunch break, hence the photos above. I was wearing a gauzy blouse while taking the photos and a lady told me I looked like a cherry blossom. What a lovely compliment.

Check out this time lapse video of the cherry blossoms blooming at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. I got it from Kottke through my husband.

On another note, can anyone translate Spanish to tell me what this post says?

