June 2009

Happy 2nd anniversary!

Dear Dave,
I can’t believe we’ve been married for two years. It’s hard to believe we’ve only been together for five. You are the best husband in the whole world/my best friend. I adore you. Thank you for making me my best self. I am excited to become parents together in October!

Did I ever mention dear readers that we discovered only two weeks prior to the wedding that we were in the same daycamp group in 1983? We found a photo of us standing next to each other, we didn’t know we’d met 23 years before our wedding. Here’s a little post about the story on Joanna‘s Glamour Magazine blog Smitten.

A girl and her dog

girl and her dog

girl and her dog pattern

I have lots of work to do right now. I’m still getting ready for the Lady show this coming weekend.

Plus, I need to do new submissions for my clients in both illustration and surface pattern. However, sometimes I just need to do a piece for the fun of it. You know what I mean?? I did this one today. I couldn’t resist turning it into a pattern too!

I hope you had such a fun weekend. Happy Monday.

Chronicle Books: Items I have my eye on

chronicle books

Ever since I saw it at the Chronicle Books HQ last summer in San Francisco, I’ve been thinking about this wordless book, The Wave by Suzy Lee . Here’s a video of the book. I have always been a lover of children’s books and a believer in the idea that if one is really good it’s timeless and ageless. My mom has saved my books and I can’t wait to pore over them again before giving them to my baby. They are part of the reason I love to teach art and that I am also an illustrator.

I also have my eye on some of these fabulous stationery sets. Oh Chronicle you are amazing!:

  1. Dutch Door (b’day book and cards/envelopes). I love Dutch Door. Here’s another post I did about them
  2. Flock notecards (beautiful black cards). Love her style. by Eleanor Grosch
  3. Little Greetings (b’days, thank yous and quick hellos). Perfect! by Kristen Hewitt
  4. Sukie (correspondence cards). I need these.

I hope you all have a really spectacular weekend. See if you can find a children’s book that makes you remember what it was like when you were little. XO.

New Work

This flu thing is getting out of hand. Yesterday afternoon I was sent home from work. There were lots of kids absent and sick. The school administrators were talking about closing early for the year. They told me and other pregnant teachers, plus people with pre-existing conditions who would be more susceptible to catching the flu to stay home for a couple of days.

School is still open. I’m not supposed to go in tomorrow but I will go back Thursday if there are less absentees.

So I’ve been spending my time working at home. Here’s a new piece for the lady show.

Stay healthy. XO.

