February 2014

Bill Cunningham: Snow Day

Bill Cunningham
My friend Sharon of the awesome blog NYC Taught Me, shared this hysterical link to Bill Cunningham’s latest feature in the Times entitled “Whiteout“. Bill astutely points out that women wear appropriate footwear after the storm. Meanwhile men attempt to hurdle the vast slush to no avail. His photos perfectly capture the mood of the city after a big snow storm. I could not help but chuckle at these men mid-leap obviously about to land in an ocean of snow. I also loved the good dads trying to hoist their little ones over the mess. Definitely click on the link above to watch the whole series of photos and Bill’s commentary.

Here’s my portrait of Bill from a few years ago for a contemporary fashion illustration show at the Brooklyn Public Library

Masters of Intimate Portraiture


I came across this American Photo piece on When the lives of photographer and subject are intertwined, magic—and drama—are bound to happen and was immediately enamored. I have always been drawn in the voyeuristic sense to catching a glimpse of people’s private lives through photography or documentary film.

I was happy to discover the article features photographer Doug Dubois. He was my first photography teacher in college. He taught me how to use a real camera and process the film and make prints in the dark room etc. He also taught me primitive photoshop. He was a great teacher and had that special something that lets you know as a student that you are lucky to be around a real artist and have them pass along their perceptions of the world and their craft.

Peruse the article for more from Doug Dubois, Tony Fouhse and Elinor Carucci.

Images above:
1 Doug Dubois
2 Elinor Carucci

