November 2008

Kindred (free) desktop wallpaper: my “winter dreams” design

Samantha Hahn Desktop wallpaper-free

You can’t imagine how excited I was when Ez of Creature Comforts and Holly of Decor8 invited me to create a desktop wallpaper for Kindred, their new collaboration that will feature different artists each season who provide seasonal and FREE down-loadable desktop wallpaper. I had so much fun creating mine. I wanted it to be rich and textural but also something people could live and work with on their screen everyday. I hope you like. Check out the others. I love them too. I may have to use a new one each week.

Here they are:

  1. Samantha Hahn (that’s me)
  2. Jenn Causey
  3. Ez Pudewa
  4. Maria Lara Gonzalez
  5. Tara Hogan
  6. Kerry Pitt Hart

If you’d like to learn more about what inspired Ez and Holly to create Kindred check this out. If you read to the bottom of that page you will see banners available to you to download if you want to support Kindred on your blog.

Hope you like!

Genius wedding invitation by Matt Dorfman

Matt Dorfman's wedding invitation

Ok, I know I post a lot of feminine art and design on this blog. I am truly drawn to it and it’s what I do as an illustrator. However, some of my biggest influences are men. Matt Dorfman is one of them, both man and influence.  Here’s his vote poster for the AIGA, and his collaborative project Mammal Magazine (welcome to manville).

Is it any wonder his recent wedding invitation is genius? I’ve never seen such a clever invite. No flowers, no lace, no swirly calligraphy, just their whole entire love story (what a story it is). The design blows my mind and the concept is just perfect.

It’s been almost 2 years since Dave and I got married (follow that link if you are into sap) and I still haven’t put together a wedding book. I’m planning to make a blurb book. Matt’s wedding invitation makes me feel lazy and lame.

Congratulations Matt and Jill.

My new illustrations for Glamour Magazine “10 Things Every Woman Really, Really Wants For The Holidays”

December illustrations for Glamour List
Above is a set of illustrations I did for Glamour Magazine in the December issue.
December Glamour Illustrations
Here are some of the drafts that did not make the cut:
more rejects

Here’re the other illos I’ve done for the Glamour List since September. I’m attaching links to other posts on them and the drafts that did not make the cut if you are interested:

  1. November
  2. October
  3. September

Oh and a really cool thing happened, Glamour Germany, Russia, and Romania are optioning some illustrations for issues. If you are from there and happen to see them in your local magazine please let me know. I’d love to get my hands on a foreign copy with my work in it. I’ll send you $ for the issue and postage. Lemme know if you see them…Thanks!

