
Bust Craftacular this weekend!

i make thing's at the Bust Craftacular

Starlet journals

If you are in NY this weekend stop by my agency’s booth: 11 (right up front). Their gallery (Hanahou) will be selling lots of great items that could be purchased as gifts for loved ones or…eh..hem…yourself! They’ll be carrying some limited edition prints of mine, hand bound journals (did someone say stocking stuffer!) as well as t-shirts, magnets, correspondence cards and other items with my designs on them.

Bust Craftacular:

  • the Metropolitan Pavilion 125 West 18th Street New York, NY
  • Sunday 10am-8pm
  • $2 admission and free goodie bag

Sparkle Labs Retrospective at Gallery Hanahou: My custom bot- sneak peek

Tonight is the Sparkle Lab retrospective at Gallery Hanahou. I was thrilled to be asked to customize a few Papertronics Lunar Modules. Here’s one of them. He’s got LED eyes and is known as Salty Sailor. I’ll post the others after the exhibit (Ms. Kitty and Mr. Slick).

If you are going to come check it out tonight rsvp to:

Also come to the DIY Electronics workshop with Ariel, at Hanahou, on Saturday 11/13.

Crafting a Meaningful Home book by Meg Mateo Ilasco: My family banner project

Crafting a Meaningful Home by Meg Mateo Ilasco

I was so excited to receive Meg Mateo Ilasco’s new book Crafting a Meaningful Home. My family banner is one of 27 DIY crafty projects featured. It’s hard to believe that last summer while very pregnant Meg and her creative team came to my house to shoot the project and here on my desk the finished book sits. You must pick up a copy to see clever ideas from my pals Anna and Sean of Sub-Studio and many other fabulous artists.  The link is in my shop too!

Crafting a Meaningful Home by Meg Mateo Ilasco_ my family banner project

Baby food dyed paper

baby food dyed paper detail

baby food dyed paper2

baby food dyed paper

Yesterday morning I was making some baby food for Henry with a nectarine, yellow squash, blueberries, a red apple and a red pepper (I throw them all (chopped up) into boiling water for a short while, then puree them). When I took them out of the water the most beautiful color was left behind. I couldn’t just toss it in the sink so I grabbed some drawing paper and dipped it, soaked it and then laid it out to dry. I tried it with watercolor paper too but it would not absorb the color so I wound up putting the water color paper on top of the soaked drawing paper and it left a cool hazy shape. It kind of looks tie dyed. I love this. I should do it next time I make food and then use the paper as backgrounds for drawings.

Try this at home!!!
baby food dyed paper drawing

DIY: Mark Frauenfelder’s way (+gifts for dads)

father's day gift round-up (mark frauenfelder)

Made by Hand

Make Frauenfelder (editor of Make and founder of Boing Boing) is guest curator over at Etsy, plus he has a great new book about DIY out now called Made By Hand: Searching for Meaning in a Throwaway World. He recently spent a year trying a variety of offbeat projects such as keeping chickens and bees, tricking out his espresso machine, whittling wooden spoons, making guitars out of cigar boxes, and doing citizen science with his daughters in the garage. His whole family found that working with their hands and minds helped them feel more engaged with the world around them.

I have to add that my husband edited Mark’s book. He’s been asking me if we can keep bees and chickens. He thinks I’m mean for telling him no. Our little Brooklyn apartment could not contain them! Nonetheless, it’s a fascinating book on the ever-growing DIY movement. And I’m totally on board if he wants to make us espresso.

Here are my favorite picks for dad’s day from Mark’s Etsy round-up:

  1. Aged leather sheath for the ipad
  2. Wooden ipod doc with speakers
  3. Espresso tamper
  4. Gentleman’s custom pocket knife
  5. Pick up a copy of Mark’s book for your dad, husband or self here.
